284 Cumberland Head Rd.
Plattsburgh, NY 12901
ph: 518 563-7077
alt: 518 561-4692
Here are samples from each of our 6 CDs.
All of our recordings have been recorded, edited and produced by Towne Meeting. Duplication and packaging by Disc Makers. ("Click the Play button next to any track to hear a sample of our work.")
If you would like to order one of our CDs, go to the Music page. If you would like booking information just
Contact us today!
We welcome your questions and queries. Please see our Contact Us page for complete contact information.
Copyright 2010 Towne Meeting. All rights reserved.
284 Cumberland Head Rd.
Plattsburgh, NY 12901
ph: 518 563-7077
alt: 518 561-4692